(this word below contains some-bloody- grindcore-words-so i have to encoding it with rot13, if you wanna read it, just decode it for free ...or contact me...)
xhgngnc yhxn zratnatn
qnenu zrattryrtnx,oreohfn ynyh zratthzcny
obyru xhohxn vfv crehgzh
qna xhfbebatxna yvqnuxh
vatva xhenvu fvfn fvfn betna qnynzzh
orgncn avxzng enfnaln
xhpnovx qna xhwvyng
xheratthg qna xhxhalnu
orgncn unehz
onh nalve oreyhzhe qnenu
fvfn xhyvg qna frecvuna qntvatzh
qvfryn gnevatxh
uzzz..nxh gryna qnenu xragnyzh avxzng frxnyv
grenfn qv grattbebxnaxh
onatxvgxna anyhev crznatfnxh
vafgvat crzohehxh
yncne gnx creanu chnf
zratvagnv xbeona frcregvzh
qna nxh nxna grgnc qvnz qvfvav
fnone zrahatth
fnzcnv yrjng
qvevzh yntv
xhohahu yntv
4 komentar:
pusing bacanya...
ga langsung aja nih?
any secret there?
To the author of this blog,I appreciate your effort in this topic.
If im in the situation of the owner of this blog. I dont know how to post this kind of topic. he has a nice idea.
gunax lbh
gunax lbh sbe nyy pbzzragf naq pbzcyvzragf
v'z irel nccerpvngr guvf
(thank you
thank you for all comments and compliments
i'm very appreciate this)
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